Funny Quotes About Being Single Biography
Single life is warm breeze you can do your own thing, go as you please, date whoever, make no committed too yourself as you please, you don't have worry about get used, cheat on, lie on, no stress on your mind, no tears on your face falling down, no arrow destroy your heart, happyniess can restore your pain, you can work on yourself and goals. Downfall of being single; not having someone holding you at night when your days and good days, support you in your dreams, your job, understanding, tell you when you are wrong and congrats you when you right, communicate with you, uplift your spirits when you are out place, having someone love for who you are, and you do the same for them, be your backbone when you need it, someone make you happy and smile, compromise things as couple, you cry they comfort you, give you advice, hugs, give you compliments, protection, maybe stay faithful too you.
Too many girls rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start making compromises, and losing their identity. Dont do that.
I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don't see things clearly as long as you're still involved.
I think it can be fun to be single and date-like when you don't want a relationship. Or when you've just gotten out of a relationship, and, after get over the initial shock, your thinking, Hey, it's kind of cool being single.
I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being 'someone's girlfriend', and now I am happy being single.
Everybody thinks they'll never get married at your age. You think you can go on all your life being single, but you suddenly find out that you can't.
You know that feeling? When you're just waiting to get home into your room, close the door, fall into bed. Just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of desperation. You're tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing. You just want someone to be there and tell you it's okay. But no one is going to be there. You know you have to be strong for yourself, because no one can fix you. But you are tired, tired of being strong. For once you just want it to be easy. To be simple. To be helped. To be saved. But you know you won't be. But you're still hoping, still wishing. And you're staying strong and fighting with tears in your eyes. You are fighting.
I guess I'm just tired, I'm tired of being bitched at behind my back, of being laughed at, of being made fun of, feeling ugly, of being ignored, of feeling unloved, of no one caring, of pretending to be happy when all I want to do is cry.
Being single isnt the cause of loneliness, and marriage is not necessarily the cure. There are many lonely married people as well.
Spontaneity, freedom and flexibility. These are some of the best things about being single. You don't have to care about what the other half thinks of you when you want to do something. You just do it.
I am not the kind of girl that thinks a guy is the answer to everything...I'm just tired of being alone.
Being single is a good feeling, no drama or heartaches. On the other hand, it gets lonely and you miss that feeling of being taken.
I'm tired of being taken for granted. Idgaf if I sound cocky right now, but I think I'm beautiful a smart ass chick, with a great future.
You ever get tired of being the bigger person? Or tired of being the one to compromise. Or realize you've come to far to settle? Yeah me either...a
Funny Quotes About Being Single

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